Category: Values

  • Doing some things a bit differently in 2019

    Not a New Year’s resolution, but I’ve decided to do a few things differently in 2019: 1. Opposing people spouting B—S—. I’m looking around, and there are entire swathes of population who cannot distinguish any more what is true and what is not. Or how to find out what is true and what is not.…

  • We are all feminists now

    Whatever other consequences this past week has, this must be one.

  • I’m done with War On Anything

    The older I get, the more I realize that I have no interest whatsoever to make war on anybody or anything. I don’t care for: War on other countries, people or religions War on drugs, poverty, and so many other things War on competitors, etc. etc Renaming the “War Room” at Uber to “Peace Room”…

  • It’s not about science …

    Lots of people are marching for science today, all over the world. A good cause! But it’s worth mentioning that the core issue is not about science at all. It is about whether we can observe the world around us, form accurate models of understanding based on those obersations, use those models to make accurate…

  • Reading the Holacracy Book

    Just about everybody is unhappy with how large organizations function, or rather, dys-function. One of my first big-company experiences were the seemingly endless, back-to-back meetings at BMW. I remember coming home one one day to the townhouse I shared with several other people, complaining that I had just gotten a degree called “Diplom Ingenieur” (Master…