Category: Hardware

  • Input Devices

    So how are we going to interact with all of those screens? Let’s first list what won’t work: keyboards: we’re not about to have a keyboard underneath each picture frame in our houses. mice: same as for keyboards. There also won’t be a table surface in front of each screen. tiny little buttons on the…

  • The House Of 1000 Windows

    Perhaps the rate of technological change is indeed accelerating. One can’t even make a few outlandish predictions any more (as I did on this blog last week) without being passed on the right by actual events. Take the past week’s CES: On the subject of 3D TVs, I’ll just note that the world’s software developers…

  • High-Resolution Screens Everywhere

    [As I’m writing this post, the news comes in that Skype HD videoconferencing will be built into TV sets starting this year. This is exactly what I’m talking about in this post as opening up all sorts of new possibilities.] Let’s compare some prices for flat-panel displays (from Dell, cheapest available alternative chosen): August 2004…

  • Let’s start simple: PC Hardware in 2020

    The venerable PC will still be with us in 2020 I would think. It will have lost importance, just like it lost importance in the last decade with the emergence of iPhones and Wiis and TiVos. But it will still be there in its boxy under-the-table incarnation, and its in-the-briefcase and on-the-lap incarnation. People will…