Tag: known

  • Help me articulate the value of user-centricity, privacy etc

    Even after all these years working on user-centric identity, privacy-protecting technologies, open source, code in the hands of the user instead of the overlord … I’m still struggling with articulating the value succinctly. Case in point. I’m going through the strategic marketing exercise of describing for whom these kinds of products/technologies/services are, and what unmet […]

  • Responding to Ben Werdmuller: Open issues: lessons learned building an open source business

    Ben Werdmuller posted a great, detailed essay on his experiences building the Known open-source, personal publishing application and turning it into a profitable business, and then asks some tough questions about the viability of open-source as a business. What a read for a Saturday! The entire essay is excellent; I’m sure he rewrote it many […]

  • Marcus Povey and PGP-based login

    Marcus Povey is proposing to use PGP/GPG to log into personal websites such as Known. Where have I heard this before? ;-) Oh, yes, LID, circa 2005, before OpenID etc. Here is how a digitally signed LID requests looks like, broken into separate lines for better readability: http://example.com ?lid=http%3A%2F%2Fmylid.net%2Fjernst &lid-credtype=gpg%20–clearsign &lid-nonce=2014-05-30T16%3A54%3A57.016Z &lid-credential=SHA1%0AVersion%3A+GnuPG+v1.4.11+%28GNU%2FLinux%29%0A%0AiEYEARECAAYFAlOIt%2BEACgkQsIOiz0BhWYZ9MACcCelf5T6XyywOZ5jVq3eyMw9m%0A8C4AoJ6Vz47PKR2%2FEvNqDkv7OWFyHdSU%0A%3DpVzh%0A where: lid: The […]