Towards LID 2.0

The beginnings of a definition for a future LID 2.0 are in the Wiki at

Apart from a number of housekeeping items (clarifying, further simplifying the spec …) the fundamental new idea is to break LID into profiles. Anybody implementing LID thus can pick and choose which profiles they like to implement. That way, we keep LID simple while allowing powerful feature sets for those who need them.

Conversely, all that’s required to implement LID is MinimumLID, which broadens LID’s usefulness from a Digital Identity for people to a Digital Identity for arbitrary objects — from Digital Identities for groups of people and legal personas (corporations…) to distributed computing objects (e.g. software agents) to electronically enabled physical objects and who knows what else.

Comments welcome, preferably on the lid-dev mailing list, or on the Wiki.



