Andre Durand: shorter assertion lifetimes will always prevail over longer assertion lifetime

He quotes Darren Platt (unfortunately, he does not provide a link), who apparently said:

…shorter assertion lifetimes will always prevail over longer assertion lifetime values, given the infrastructure to deal with them is in place.

I very much agree. Which is why LID is an “on-line” system, built around light-weight on-line queries that can be composed and executed in real-time, as opposed to a batch/off-line system as most other digital identity systems.

I blogged about this back in March.

Of course, there is nothing to prevent anybody to use LID really slow, so it can cover the “batch” case as well. The other way around doesn’t work, however: like with all software systems, making something (like a digital identity system) real-time that wasn’t designed for it is next to impossible, so buyer beware.



