Openness can have unexpected results. In case of Yadis, we were hoping that its openness would attract techies to innovate around simple, light-weight, URL-based identity. (And we have.)
But here is one innovation we didn’t expect at all: a Yadis Song that somebody wrote up on the Yadis Wiki.
But the openness does not end here: the song is on a wiki, so you can extend, change improve it!
Update 2006-04-09: Paul Madsen offers the following contribution:
Ya-URL*, there’s no need to feel down.
I said, ya-URL, cause your future is sound.
I said, ya-URL, your metadata can now be found
Your issues need not go un-resolv-ed.Ya-URL, there’s a place you can rest.
I said, ya-URL, for your capabilities we can test.
They can start there, and providers can find
Others of a sim-ilar-URI-kind.It’s fun to rest with y-a-d-i-s.
It’s fun to rest with y-a-d-i-s.(Repeat till nauseus)