Verisign announces Yadis-based identity provider

Verisign’s Michael Graves writes:

You’re invited to visit and try out a beta version of an identity service we’ve provided. It’s called the VeriSign Personal Identity Provider (“PIP” for short), and you can find it at

This is great news for the URL-based identity community, because of the market clout that Verisign has in all things related to security and identity. I’m very pleased because when we initially came up with the idea of light-weight, URL-based identity at NetMesh, it wasn’t clear at all whether there was a there there, and now the “there” is growing all the time!

At the recent IIW, I predicted that we’re just about to enter the what Geoff Moore calls the early adopter, visionary phase for URL-based, and user-controlled identity in general. When substantial companies such as Verisign begin to invest in a technology based on the business opportunities they see for themselves and their customers, that’s a clear indication that we are moving to the next phase in the technology adoption lifecycle.

PIP is Yadis for sure, here is the Yadis file Verisign serves for my account there.

And it interoperates nicely with our InfoGrid LID code (download). You can try it at our demo FirstSSO PHP site, or at,,, and many other sites.

If you are thinking of also getting on the light-weight, URL-based identity bandwagon, please get in touch! ;-)