Sun does OpenID!

Long-awaited, Sun today announced they are supporting OpenID. Yet another blue-chip company to add to the growing list of OpenID endorsers, which also includes AOL, Microsoft, Symantec and VeriSign. What a little URL can do …

And Sun is putting their actions where they should be:

… Sun is offering an OpenID Provider service to its 34,000 employees.

Congratulations, Gerald Beuchelt (more about this from him) and Pat Patterson, who I know worked hard for this.

Update: Pat writes:

…this was a cross-department effort with contributions from (amongst others) the CTO office (in particular Gerry, Eve, Lauren and Hubert), SunIT and the OpenSSO team. I was on vacation and schmoozing with Liberty in Belgium for most of the past month, so I really can’t accept any credit.

Thanks for pointing out the other contributors. But, Pat, while you might not have written the code, I think things would not be where they are if you hadn’t done your part a little earlier…