No Bloodshed

"For we may distinguish two main types of government. The first type consists of governments of which we can get rid without bloodshed—for example, by way of general elections; that is to say, the social institutions provide means by which the rulers may be dismissed by the ruled, and the social traditions ensure that these institutions will not easily be destroyed by those who are in power. The second type consists of governments which the ruled cannot get rid of except by way of a successful revolution—that is to say, in most cases, not at all. I suggest the term ‘democracy’ as a short-hand label for a government of the first type, and the term ‘tyranny’ or ‘dictatorship’ for the second." (Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies)

It’s amazing every time it happens, and even more so today, as more power shifts than usual. Congratulations to us all. And the hope that this avenue will be available to everyone, world-wide, one day.