Author: Johannes Ernst
Future of the Cell Phone
The iPhone form factor is here to stay: it’s about the largest possible device that still fits into a pocket, and unless we all change our dressing habits in 10 years (unlikely), we’ll carry a device with that form factor. It will be improved, of course, with more memory, more sensors, more connectivity options, more…
Prediction 2020: Screens On Every Wall; They’ll Watch Us
By 2020, large-format flat-panel screens will be so cheap and ubiquitous, they will have replaced most pictures on most walls in most houses. Many of those screens will have cameras that watch what we are doing, try to make sense of it, and react. Many of them will coordinate their actions as we move through…
OpenID et al Security Economics
Steven J. Murdoch and Ross Anderson, in the very worthwhile “Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode: or, How Not to Design Authentication” assert: While other single sign-on schemes such as OpenID, InfoCard and Liberty came up with decent technology they got the economics wrong… To which I can only respond: “you wish. We don’t have…
iPad: Under- or Overwhelming?
A lots of techies seem underwhelmed by yesterday’s iPad announcement. But Kevin Marks has a good pro-iPad point of view. I have another one to add: Yep, we have seen all the pieces that make up the iPad: unibody, touch screen, WiFi, 3G, flash, big button in front, dock, … So technologically, it’s indeed a…
A Human Right To Connect On The Internet: Wow
Sounds like the Obama government is picking up the cause of what Nick and I called the Digital Deal. Amazing! This is powerful stuff, coming not from some fringe group but from the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Here are quotes from her speech today: Franklin Roosevelt … delivered his Four Freedoms speech in…