Author: Johannes Ernst
Technology’s Future Is Deeply Inertwingled
There was a time when we could talk about the future of, say, Radio, or of PBX systems. Some people, blissfully left in a different century, still do. But we really can’t any more. As Ted Nelson said: Intertwingularity is not generally acknowledged—people keep pretending they can make things hierarchical, categorizable and sequential when they…
Be Afraid, Carriers, Be Very Afraid
Morgan Stanley has published a very detailed report on the state of the mobile internet. Best of all, for free. (How did that happen? But then, I’m not complaining …) Out of the hundreds of slides, I’m quoting two which speak for themselves. Notice that ARPU is going down at the same time many markets…
From 1 to a billion in 5 years. What a little URL can do.
It was at the end of 2004 when I decided to start telling the world about this silly little idea I had had about a year before: give every person on the internet a URL that they could use to identify themselves to any website. Fully decentralized, no permission needed from anybody, under control of…
The Credentialed Account Provisioning Anti-Pattern
I wanted to write about this for a long time. A wait in the doctor’s office has its uses … Here is an example scenario from the real world: Like many schools these days, my son’s school has a website where teachers enter current assignments and grades, and students and parents like me can check…
Spot the Difference: Yahoo/Facebook vs. Government/Health IT
Or should have said “spot the similarities”? Today, two pieces of news came in right after each other: The US Federal Government’s Beacon Community Program has been given $235 million of taxpayer money for “… interoperable health IT and standards-based information exchange within and among providers, hospitals, and populations” “within 15 diverse communities throughout the…