Author: Johannes Ernst
Speaking At Enterprise Data World 2010
See my post here.
Microsoft turning the LDAP directory into a Graph Database?
Just finished watching Kim Cameron‘s talk at the recent Microsoft Professional Developers Conference. A bit of a surprise that talk of WS-* has largely disappeared in favor of much about REST. But the most interesting part, for me, was at the end, when Gert Drapers (Principal Architect, Identity and Access Platform), gave a demo on…
The End of an Era
I just carried out two big boxes. All music CDs have been banned from our house, starting immediately. No more music? Nope. Just the realization that all our CD collection still does is collecting dust and taking up space. I don’t remember when I last inserted a CD into the stereo. It must have been…
Kynetx, Azigo Show What is Possible With a Personal Data Store
The magic would never have been possible if their vision had stopped at an “Identity Selector”, for years billed as the savior of the identity universe (see my recent post Why We Really Don’t Need an “Identity Selector”). This week at Kynetx’ conference, Paul and Phil had their coming-out party re-interpreting the “identity selector” as…
Why We Really Don’t Need an “Identity Selector”
As of this week’s Internet Identity Workshop, I’m now rather convinced that an “identity selector” is the wrong product and the wrong feature set, regardless of the exact details of a particular vendor’s implementation. Several discussions in several contexts, including how to best make a browser identity-aware, all point to the same conclusion, regardless if…