Author: Johannes Ernst
RSS Has Just Become Plumbing, It’s Not Dead
Some arguments in the blogosphere whether “RSS is Dead” or not. Fred Wilson, as usual, makes the correct observation that: But RSS is way more than the readers it spawned. It is a fundamental part of the Internet architecture and is used for all sorts of things. It’s the subscribe system of the internet and…
OpenID Built In Google Chrome OS?
ReadWriteWeb speculates that “Google Chrome OS [will] Feature Single Sign-On for Chrome Browser”. They cite some evidence in the source code. Some excerpts of the post: In the code, a line references something being called the “Chrome OS login manager.” Essentially, this login manager will function as a single sign-on (SSO) cookie which will simultaneously…
If the Open Stack Is Mere Plumbing: The Plumbing Of What?
People don’t buy plumbing, they buy a nice house that happens to include plumbing (otherwise it wouldn’t be a nice house). So if OpenID and all the other members of the “Open Stack” are mere plumbing, as I have come to believe, they are the plumbing of what? What is the equivalent of the house…
Internet Identity Workshop November 3-5, 2009
This time, they moved the second IIW of the year forward to November. As usually, it will probably be worth it. I’m registered. Time: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 at 9:00 AM – Thursday, November 05, 2009 at 5:00 PM Location: Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA