Author: Johannes Ernst
User-Centricity and Steve Jobs
Without Steve Jobs, this industry already feels like it has lost something. Something important. A key vibe, philosophy, point of view, … I was struggling with figuring out what until I discussed school work with my kid tween today. He has to write some essay, and we were discussing how he was going to type…
The Fundamental Remaking of Several Industries
@parislemon neatly summarized today’s news about H-P getting out of the PC business: HP To Apple: You Win. I hope he meant more than tablets, because the victory of the Apple model is much broader. Just a few days ago, Google caused a major earthquake with the announcement that it would acquire Motorola, one of…
Today’s “Nymwar” Protests: Grass-Roots Dissent By The Governed
Who gets to decide what your name is? Upon birth, your parents pick your name, just like they decide what food you eat and when to take a bath, as it is appropriate for parents of infants. After you grow up, naming rules are very different by jurisdiction. In Germany, where I grew up, it’s…
Hayden: Google Acting as a Nation-State
Great to see somebody on top of things, here Michael Hayden, previously director of the NSA and the CIA in the context of the Shady Rat attacks: “You see Google acting in some ways as nation-states used to act, exercising to the best of their ability some attributes traditionally associated with sovereign states. ‘We’re going…
Three Questions with PaaS Vendor CumuLogic
This installment of the “three questions” is with CumuLogic‘s founder Rajesh Ramchandani. CumuLogic was started by Sun veterans who had been working with Java for a long time, and naturally their market focus is Java. Compare with AppHarbor’s take whom I asked the same questions earlier this month. Here is Rajesh: 1: Who should and…