Author: Johannes Ernst
On the Demise of CardSpace
If you like slugfests between respected people, go no further than the recent yelling contest between Craig Burton (of Novell fame) and Kim Cameron (Microsoft) on what went wrong with CardSpace. Craig for sure has reasons to be angry because he’s been on the board of the Information Card Foundation that was set up by,…
Graph of LCD Panel Prices
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Seems Facebook Just Did Drop The Other Shoe
… as I predicted in the post Waiting for Facebook’s Other Shoe To Drop: Advertising, BusinessWeek writes: The company has developed a potentially powerful kind of advertising that’s more personal—more “social,” in Facebook’s parlance—than anything that’s come before. Personally I don’t like commercial entities to use my friends to advertise to me … but I…
The Future Data Center is Virtual
I was surprised by this chart from VMWare. No doubt that by 2020, it’s no contest: the virtual server world will dwarf the physical server world.
Reframing the Open-Source vs. Proprietary Software Licensing Debate
Much ink has been spilled on open-source vs. proprietary licensing, and in the end, it’s a clash of civilizations: one whose goal it is to better humanity by making valuable technology freely available, vs. one whose members must return more money to their investors than they had to pay to the developers creating the software.…