Author: Johannes Ernst
Have Couch Potatoes Killed the Internet Dream?
So he says: Couch potatoes have killed the internet dream. — Dave Winer ☮ (@davewiner) October 26, 2014 But I think the news is actually far less depressing. The core piece of supposed “evidence” in the article is contained in this sentence: Today, just 30 companies, including Netflix and Google, contribute on average more…
The Google “Physical Web” Proposal and LID
About ten years ago, I came up with that silly (?) idea that people could be identified with URLs. That those URLs could have particular functionality around them by which anybody — with the right permissions — could interact with them. And that, when people walked around with their mobile devices, those devices could broadcast…
Why Bosch thinks the #IoT needs to be open-source
Matt Asay points to a key slide in a recent Bosch presentation: Here we have a $40+ billion dollar company, which concludes: 2-5 major IoTS platforms (in next 5-7 years) At least one of them will be Open Source Bosch not able to develop one of these proprietary platforms alone and customers/partners would not accept…
If Isaac Newton had used Big Data
England, in the 1680’s. Isaac Newton is hard at work formulating his famous Laws of Motion. Except that this time, he has access to that great big savior technology, Big Data. Naturally, what does he do? First, he collects as much data as he can about the movement of things. Balls rolling down slopes. Stars…
Ebola: The Incompetence is Breathtaking
I’m having a hard time digesting news about Ebola, particularly in the US. Just how incompetent can everybody be? There seems little to no training for nurses for how to stay safe. What? Here’s one article, I’ve seen many. Update Oct-16: The second infected nurse in Texas decided to fly around, not once, but twice,…