Category: Big Picture

  • Tech Titans’ Next Targets: Telcos and Cars

    Apple has over $200 billion in revenue, growing 25% a year. Where are the next $50 or $100 billion going to come from? Mobile phones: no, that market is close to saturation. Desktops and laptops? Stagnant. Watch? Certainly not. All of them have room to grow, but not by 10’s of billions of dollars every…

  • And just like that, the first big thing broke (Europe)

    61% No in Greece. That wasn’t supposed to happen. But it has, and now we are in uncharted territory. Some random observations: Syriza has just effectively won an election with 60%+ of the vote. The strategy of waiting for a different government going back to business as usual, as some in Europe have done, has…

  • Financial Götterdämmerung

    So the Europeans killed the Europe-Greek negotiations today because of the Greeks’ insolence to ask their citizens for approval. Insolent, no doubt: @yanisvaroufakis Democracy? You crazy Greeks. It’ll never catch on. ;) — Roland Yanez (@rolandyanez) June 26, 2015 But why? If you cut through all the clutter, there’s a simple explanation: The powers-that-are need…

  • Confusing the Robot Takeover and the robots’ masters’ takeover

    Even Steve Wozniak makes this mistake: The artificial intelligence that will control the world used to worry Wozniak, he told a technology conference. But he has realised that it will be good for us because robots will opt to keep us as part of nature. So far, there is NO INDICATION that any kind of…

  • The patient-centric healthcare experience I want

    Having been ordered to rest, this is the perfect time to grab the laptop and lay out the experience I would have liked in my most recent encounter with the healthcare system; this time, and every time. I see no earthly reason why we can’t have this … entrepreneurs, please build it! I’ll be your…