Category: Cloud
Platform as a service and redundancy: Nagging questions | ZDNet
Larry Dignan at ZDNet makes similar points on the prospects of bolting PaaS to IaaS as I did in my piece on the EC2 outage and its implications on Amazon’s PaaS strategy.
VMWare, Identity and User-Centricity in the Enterprise
Lots of good commentary on VMWare’s new Horizon App Manager today, which is what their Tricipher acquisition seems to have turned into. The phrase that struck me the most — thus this post — was Krishnan‘s description at CloudAve: a user-centric management service for accessing cloud applications from any device. It clearly is user-centric: it…
There Is No Multi-Tenant Architecture: There Are Three!
I’ve heard the term “multi-tenancy” hurled at somebody as an attack about once too often now. Could we at least agree that there are several different kinds (I count three) of multi-tenancy, and they have different tradeoffs? 1. Application-level Multi-Tenancy Salesforge, Gmail, and most SaaS businesses come to mind: they run all of their customers…
InfoQ: Interview: VMware Cloud System CTO Explains Cloud Foundry Architecture and Strategy
InfoQ: Interview: VMware Cloud System CTO Explains Cloud Foundry Architecture and Strategy.
Fort business and cloud semantics « ejecteject
Dan Young on Twitter: .@davidlinthicum @jamesurquhart @beaker debate is not false; merely a by-product of industrial era business hangover Referring to: Fort business and cloud semantics « ejecteject.