Really Scary Web Hacking Demo
If you are a techie, I highly recommend you look at the presentation "JavaScript malware just got a lot more dangerous" by Jeremiah Grossman and T.C. Niedzialkowski from WhiteHat Security, Inc. An MP4 recording of the demo is here. Wow, is this scary! They are demonstrating how to completely hijack a user’s browser session without…
Very Cool Server-less OPML Rendering!
I suspected that one could write a full OPML editor completely without server-side code, using some XSLT and JavaScript trickery. The Hyperscope project has now done exactly that. It’s very cool. Try it out here. They have applied it to something rather interesting in itself: a modern version of Doug Engelbart’s famous Augment system, which…
PC Forum is no more
Just came across this: Just to make it official: PC Forum 2006 was our last one. It had a great run, from 1977 to 2006, and we decided to end it before anyone asked us to. Founded by Ben Rosen back in the 70s, with early speakers including initial Apple CEOs Mike Markkula, Steve Jobs…
News.com writes about OSIS
In an article titled Is Open Source Getting to Microsoft?, CNET news.com writes about Microsoft’s Open Specification Promise, and has a link to the OSIS Wiki. Some of the OSIS Steering Committee members are quoted as well.
The First Real OpenID Security Vulnerability
Under the headline, "Shocking headline about OpenID security issue here", Benjamin Nowack describes what I think is the first major security vulnerability discovered for OpenID, and probably for a whole range of other technologies. In fact, it appears that many websites are vulnerable to the same kind of attack, whether they have implemented digital identity…