Category: Comments

  • Marc: OpenID should be the brand for the “Open Stack”

    Marc Canter raises what many in the community have been saying for a long time, but what the OpenID Foundation seems to have a hard time wrapping its collective minds around: … OpenID can actually solve … [many] issues – by embracing other complementary technologies (like oAuth, OpenSocial, Portable Contacts, microformats, FOAF and RSS/Atom) to…

  • Why End-to-End Security is Important

    The Telegraph reports: …hundreds of chip and pin machines in stores and supermarkets across Europe have been tampered with to allow details of shoppers’ credit card accounts to be relayed to overseas fraudsters. These details are then used to make cash withdrawals or siphon off money from card holders’ accounts in what is one of…

  • Yahoo!’s OpenID Usability Research

    Allen Tom of Yahoo! announced that results of their OpenID usability studies are available. It’s great to see them do that — both doing the study, and releasing the results. Google did something similar earlier. Are the results depressing? Personally, I don’t think so: instead, they are a call to action. Let’s get our hands…

  • Japan’s Largest Social Network Adopts OpenID (via Nat)

    Nat Sakimura, tireless OpenID promoter in Japan and initiator of the OpenID Foundation’s Japan chapter, writes: The largest Japanese SNS, Mixi, started to offer OpenID as of today. This great news comes on the heels of the MySpace OpenID announcement. Other social networks can’t be far behind? He quotes Mixi’s CEO who summarized OpenID advantages…

  • OpenID Celebration and Naysayers’ Week

    If you read some blog posts this past week — in which MySpace adopted OpenID, "bringing the total number of enabled accounts to half a billion" (Techcrunch), Orange’s portal in France became one of the largest acceptors of OpenIDs ever, and Facebook fully validated the OpenID proposition — one could get the impression that all…