Category: Digital Identity

  • In Doubt, Create Yet Another Identity Umbrella Organization

    …or so it seems. The Kantara Initiative launched yesterday. It describes its goals as: Bridging and harmonizing the identity community with actions that will help ensure secure, identity-based, online interactions while preventing misuse of personal information so that networks will become privacy protecting and more natively trustworthy environments. Sounds like Identity Commons? Or the Liberty…

  • Now Microsoft is beginning to make sense …

    For some years now, I’ve heard Kim Cameron and others at Microsoft talk about "how claims will change everything" in so many different presentations, and to be frank, I didn’t get it. Neither the claims, nor the change or the everything part. So this week, I came across the Microsoft Identity Software and Services Roadmap…

  • OpenID: The Beginnings of “It Works!” in Practice, Not Just In Theory

    A technology works in theory if you have a piece of software and you can make it do what you want it to do for the purposes of demonstrating it and letting others try it out. It works in practice if people who utterly don’t care about your technology successfully use it because it makes…

  • OpenID Could Be The New Visa

    Imagine visiting a store, showing a plastic card with a few numbers on it to the store employee, and leaving 10 minutes later with a thousand dollars worth of goods. Best of all, you and the store can be fairly certain that neither of you were cheated. Prior to the invention of the credit card,…

  • Follow-up to “What is Wrong With This OpenID Picture?”

    In a recent post I argued that OpenID identifiers such as, =eek and are much more natural than those generated by Yahoo! or Google that might look like this: Eric Sachs, the product manager in charge at Google, gave me a hard time over it; actually, he didn’t because he’s way too…