Category: Digital Identity

  • It’s not about identity, it’s about relationships

    If there was one very clear lesson that I took home from this week’s IIW, it is that the "Digital Identity Market" is not actually about digital identity. Instead, it is about relationships. Bob Blakley of the Burton Group, as so often, made the most elaborate case. But that’s the same conclusion we came to…

  • The “Microsoft CardSpace is just a Prototype” Bomb Shell

    When you organize a typical panel at a typical conference with people you know fairly well, you rarely expect much of a surprise. After all, you know the people, you have heard them on so many other panels, and you can expect that they will largely say what you have heard them say so many…

  • The Problems of Explaining User-Centric Identity

    For the User-Centric Identity Track that I’ve been putting together for the European Identity Conference this Thursday, I decided we really needed a reasonably compehensive introduction into the topic first, before we go into the experience reports, and the big panel. But boy, did that "introduction to…" presentation turn out to be hard; it was…

  • OpenID Wins Webware100 Again

    Like last year, OpenID has won the Webware award, in the "utility" category. They write: OpenID was created to solve one of the Web’s biggest annoyances: log-ins. You’ve already got a verified identity on one site, so why do you need one for every place you visit? With OpenID, site owners can simply built it…

  • Next week at RSA

    Wow! A long way from back then. Thanks to Charles for putting the banner together this time around. Amazingly, my layout from an early OSIS presentation at an IIW keeps surviving!