Category: Digital Identity

  • Congratulations, Higgins!

    The little mouse is growing up. The Higgins project today announced the first official release, V1.0. Congratulations to Paul, Mary, and the entire Higgins team!

  • It’s Day 1 of OpenID Being Viable for Business

    Yesterday was an important day for OpenID and business on the net. Before yesterday, OpenID was an intriguing, but largely irrelevant technical curiosity for web business. Since yesterday, it’s viable for business. And in a short while, it will be a key weapon in the fight for customer attention and market share. Starting yesterday, it’s…

  • I-dentity therefore I-card?

    Certainly if the world goes according to Parity, which has taken Microsoft’s vision of cards for identity a large number of really interesting steps further.

  • Concordia in the Open-Source Identity System?

    Couldn’t resist this play of words (Latin: concordia: harmony, agreement), but here is a picture from the recent OSIS Steering Committee meeting. To the left, Dale Olds of Novell, OSIS Chair, and to the right Mike Jones, Microsoft. The marked object is a white board eraser. Enjoy! ;-)

  • The Digital Identity Landscape of 2008

    Update: This model was discussed today (2007-12-04) at Internet Identity Workshop and received a lot of positive feedback. If I receive any via the blogosphere, I will link. Going into the last Internet Identity Workshop of the year, it is time for me again to reflect on how far we have come with internet identity…