Category: Digital Identity

  • Plaxo Does OpenID

    The reason Joseph Smarr came to all these identity meetings in recent months was revealed yesterday: Plaxo now does OpenID. This is great news. It’s particularly gratifying for me: Plaxo was one of the very first companies I pitched LID 1.0 (Light-Weight Identity) to, the first URL-based identity scheme, at the end of 2004 —…

  • Where’s the Biggest Privacy Problem Related To On-Line Identity?

    OpenID has seen its share of critics who are concerned that their OpenID Provider may collect too much information about them (recent example). In a recent story titled "Which ISPs Are Spying on You?", Wired Magazine now points out a much bigger, and much more immediate privacy problem: privacy policies, or lack thereof, at big…

  • OpenID Wins NextWeb Award

    This is significant. Look at the other winners: Entertainment: YouTube Company: Yahoo! Social: LinkedIn Search: WikiPedia Disruptors: OpenID Web Celeb: Tariq Krim Beta & Stealth: Joost Populizr: TechCrunch That’s great company. Also, "disruptors" seems like the exact right category for it. Time for everybody to figure out how not to be disrupted, or use it…

  • Searching For An Existence Proof: Liability in a Circle of Trust

    I have been looking for a real-world example where the following has actually happened: Two or more parties signed a "circle of trust" kind of agreement, where party A performs authentication of some user, and party B relies on the authentication assertion to do something of value. Possible example: a bank outsources web authentication to…

  • At the First European Identity Conference in München

    This is the second day of the First European Identity Conference in München, which is taking place at the Forum Deutsches Museum — the granddaddy of all science and technology museums world-wide and still one of the best after more than 100 years. Kuppinger Cole + Partner, the München-based analyst firm, has been doing a…