Category: Digital Identity

  • Sun does OpenID!

    Long-awaited, Sun today announced they are supporting OpenID. Yet another blue-chip company to add to the growing list of OpenID endorsers, which also includes AOL, Microsoft, Symantec and VeriSign. What a little URL can do … And Sun is putting their actions where they should be: … Sun is offering an OpenID Provider service to…

  • Peter Campbell raises business strategy questions about the impact of OpenID

    Peter Campbell not only asks, "What does OpenID mean to Non-Profits?", as he says, but really "Is OpenID a net-positive or net-negative for my business?" His thoughts are equally applicable to for-profits and deserve to be treated seriously: Well, unless I’m missing something, [OpenID is] possibly a threat, and it will probably put orgs in…

  • The Reference Check Model and the Recommendation Letter Model for Identity

    Having grown up in Germany and living in the US, I continue to be intrigued (amused?) by the differences in the way things are done in these still relatively close cultures. (Bhutan anyone? But I disgress.) One of the differences is when applying for a job: In Germany, you typically get (or at least try…

  • Summary of Bill Gates’ Talk on OpenID and CardSpace Today

    Here is a summary of what Bill Gates said about OpenID and CardSpace at his RSA conference keynote. (Thanks to Mike Jones, who took these notes and let me publish them): Slide: Evolution of Identity: Making the Vision Real (with picture of two cards in hands) People are used to choosing what credential to use…

  • The OpenID Foundation

    As OpenID grows, some form of governance structure is required. After many months of discussion, our collective plans for the creation of the OpenID Foundation was announced today to the OpenID-general mailing list. Here is the announcement: OpenID’s growing popularity over the past few months bring two pain points to light: A clear home for…