Category: Digital Identity

  • Securing OpenID

    Much discussion has happened recently about various attack vectors against OpenID, most brought up in the spirit of "I want to help fix it", which is great. In this post, I will try to summarize the how to achieve a "security gradient" for OpenID that allows implementors to choose the tradeoff that suits their application…

  • The Limits of Owning One’s Identity

    Update: In the first version, I mistakenly had not attributed Bob Blakley who had blogged about On “The Absurdity of Owning One’s Identity” first. My apologies. Today’s news illustrates the limits of what I’d call the radical approach to user-centric identity: it is simply not acceptable to fully owning (an expansive version of) all of…

  • Horizontal and Vertical Identity Protocols: Where Do They Meet?

    The CAD/CAE systems I used with in the late 80’s were all special-purpose machines, i.e. hardware configuration, operating system, and application had been optimized for the specific purpose of doing CAD. While, obviously, general-purpose computers were underneath, that’s not how we thought about them: we thought about them as an integrated solution for a specific…

  • Doc Searls: Vendor Relationship Management

    Update:: Just found this picture on Flickr of when the diagram below was created. Doc Searls (Cluetrain editor, Linux Journal senior editor, Harvard Fellow, revolutionary in a Firefox shirt, and all-around nice guy) is embarking on a very ambitious project at Harvard whose impact could be exceedingly far-reaching, called “Vendor Relationship Management” (in a parallel…

  • Updating “The Identity Landscape of 2006”

    In her Internet Identity Workshop keynote, Kaliya just referred to my piece “The Digital Identity Landscape of 2006” which I wrote January 11, 2006. She said something to the effect that this represent “the best summary so far that at least part of the community agrees with”. I’m flattered, but a bit embarrassed, because this…