Category: Digital Identity

  • YADIS 0.9 is Here

    The YADIS specification (download PDF) has made great progress and is now in a quite stable state, thanks to our relentless editor, Joaquin Miller. Thanks also to David Recordon and Josh Hoyt, who helped drive the effort, and the many people who commented either on the YADIS mailing list or one-on-one. With this release of…

  • The Identity Landscape of 2006

    Digital Identity is maturing — into three sets of distinct standards that serve the needs of three distinct stakeholders. I’m writing this to give some context to the O’Reilly Etel conference sessions on "User-controlled Identity" (BOF Tuesday night) and "Identity Crisis: Namespaces out of control" (my talk Thursday morning). Just a few years ago, identity…

  • Feedback on “The Identity Landscape of 2006”

    Blogging is a funny thing. One never knows which posts gets picked up by others and which doesn’t; and which is discussed publicly and which only one-on-one on the back channel. My recent piece The Identity Landscape of 2006 is one of those cases where there has been little public discussion and a lot of…

  • Gillmor Gang “Identity Gang” Podcast is on-line

    Steve Gillmor’s blog post, download MP3 from here (careful, it’s over an hour and a half! There was certainly a lot to discuss.) Doc, Steve, thanks for having me!

  • More Comments On YADIS Progress

    [Follow-on to my earlier post with notes from the YADIS meeting.] Others commenting so far include Luke Razzell, Eric Norlin on the Digital ID World blog, Drummond Reed (who is also the co-chair of the OASIS XRI committee), Josh Hoyt and David Recordon (posted to the mailing list) So far, everybody seems enthusiastic… which I…