Category: Digital Identity
What is Microsoft InfoCard?
Slightly updated May 18 If you Google Microsoft’s InfoCard, you mostly seem to find people asking "who can tell me more about InfoCard", but very little actual answers. Here is what I’ve learned from public statements by Kim Cameron and other Microsoft people, and the public demo they did at Digital Identity World 2005. (Disclaimer:…
Clarifying some things about LID
It’s quite a surprise to me to meet so many people at Digital Identity World who know what LID is, who have heard my name and even some who knew about the 4-Point Architecture that I recently blogged about. There are some frequently asked questions that I’m getting on LID that I’d like to answer…
On-line and Batch Digital Identity Assertions
[There may be better names, but I can’t think of any right now.] If we assume for a second that a digital identity comprises, at the least: An identifier for the subject (eg my driver’s license number) A set of assertions (or claims) about the subject (eg my name, address and photo) then there are…
Using International Characters as Part of an Identity Attack
This is a "great" one. Apparently, there are so many Unicode characters that look just other Unicode characters but have a different code. Tailor-made for an identity attack. Try it out at this spoof Paypal site, it’s indistinguisable from the original! A great illustration of why Kim’s 6th Law is an important idea, but extremely…
BBB: Identity Theft Worse Off-line Than On-Line
Better Business Bureau and Javelin Strategy & Research have released a study that indicates …that despite growing fears about identity theft and online fraud, of the victims that know the identity and method used by the criminal, these crimes are more frequently committed offline than online. Internet-related fraud problems are actually less severe, less costly…