Category: Open Source

  • Help me articulate the value of user-centricity, privacy etc

    Even after all these years working on user-centric identity, privacy-protecting technologies, open source, code in the hands of the user instead of the overlord … I’m still struggling with articulating the value succinctly. Case in point. I’m going through the strategic marketing exercise of describing for whom these kinds of products/technologies/services are, and what unmet […]

  • Responding to Ben Werdmuller: Open issues: lessons learned building an open source business

    Ben Werdmuller posted a great, detailed essay on his experiences building the Known open-source, personal publishing application and turning it into a profitable business, and then asks some tough questions about the viability of open-source as a business. What a read for a Saturday! The entire essay is excellent; I’m sure he rewrote it many […]

  • Update on: the Pain in my Butt

    TL;DR: Forget about medical doctors when in musculoskeletal pain; use Google DuckDuckGo, a good chiropractor and systematic exercise. Open-sourcing my condition has been a total flop. Here’s the good news: I’m much better. As you might remember, a couple of months ago I put as many details as I could think of on this blog […]

  • Giving up on nftables

    Supposedly, nftables is the successor to iptables. So when implementing a firewall for UBOS, the logical thing to do is to use the new thing instead of the clumsier old thing. But I give up. I cannot figure out how this thing works. All the how-to pages that I found essentially have the same examples, […]

  • Open-sourcing my (literal) Pain In The Butt

    Update 2015-11-06. Imagine you have a painful medical condition, and the doctors aren’t able to help you. What do you do? This is the situation I find myself in. Since March, I have been in almost-constant pain, deep inside my butt, and down my leg. I have seen close to a dozen doctors, physical therapists, […]