Category: Technical

  • How do we deal with multiple ontologies for identity data?

    We have been working on a comparison of the ontologies of various identity systems at NetMesh in recent weeks. (Or schemas, or vocabularies, or models, or what-shall-we-call-them.) In other words, we’ve been comparing the quantity and quality of the meta-data that defines the meaning of the identity information that can be exchanged between parties according…

  • How does identity data relate to transactional and other kinds of data?

    Is it non-overlapping? The same, or a subset? Is there overlap; if so, where, and under which circumstances? These questions are at the heart of the thought process that needs to get into designing identity technologies for the era of pervasive identity. For example, if the answer was "non-overlapping", then we could merrily go ahead…

  • The Challenges of Open Data — example: Digital Identity

    Last week, I posted about why forcing identity data into name-value pairs is an architectural dead end. Of the many comments that I received, those from Phil Hunt and Mark Wilcox, in particular, turned out to warrant a much more detailed response than I initially thought. I realized that they are raising a much broader…