Category: Uncategorized
A new blog for 2020
2020 has arrived, and a blog titled “Upon 2020” has outlived its usefulness. (Happy New Year!) Check out the new one: — We can sustainably, fairly, do better. It’s built with Hugo, and a bunch of custom scripts, and hopefully it will let me post more things, faster, and better, than good ol WordPress.…
Notes from IndieWebCamp San Francisco 2019
This is my second IndieWebCamp SF, and Nth IndieWebCamp in total (where N probably > 4 ). Tantek is hosting at Mozilla San Francisco. I’m counting about a dozen people so far. I’ll keep adding during the day(s). Just hosted an excellent session, if I may say so, asking: what are the core technology choices…
Data Moves Differently Now
It used to be that anybody could just grab anybody’s personal data, and used it for whatever purpose they wished. Millions and millions at a time. And could get away with it. That’s why there is a multi-hundred billion dollar data broker industry. Why Google is worth almost a trillion dollars as of today. Why…
DraftingJS: CAD diagrams in the browser
Going to Mars next or civilizational collapse instead?
Has the future for humanity ever been as uncertain as it is now? The views in my social network reflects this: my more Silicon-Valley-oriented tech friends marvel at the potential of artificial intelligence, biotech, automation, and so forth; they expect tech to eliminate human drudgery before long, eliminate diseases and create plenty for all. They…