Upon2020 (archive)

  • Reading the Holacracy Book

    Just about everybody is unhappy with how large organizations function, or rather, dys-function. One of my first big-company experiences were the seemingly endless, back-to-back meetings at BMW. I remember coming home one one day to the townhouse I shared with several other people, complaining that I had just gotten a degree called “Diplom Ingenieur” (Master…

  • (Greek) CFO vs (European) Accountants

    Ever wondered what the difference was between a Chief Financial Officer, and an accountant? The Greek tragedy (farce?) playing out in the 9th act has it on display, every day. The Europeans, and the IMF, by and large are saying: “Look, Greece, here is what you owe, so you can’t spend on this, that and…

  • A Diet for Java (diet4j)

    When Java was introduced to an incredible reception in 1995 — I had just come to California — Sun was the king of the Unix systems manufacturers. While there were still others like HP, IBM and Silicon Graphics, Sun had the momentum: Sun pioneered “open systems”, it open-sourced even its chip designs, and it had…

  • The patient-centric healthcare experience I want

    Having been ordered to rest, this is the perfect time to grab the laptop and lay out the experience I would have liked in my most recent encounter with the healthcare system; this time, and every time. I see no earthly reason why we can’t have this … entrepreneurs, please build it! I’ll be your…

  • The wonderful, but so far uncharted world of personal data

    The term “Personal Data” is everywhere, but almost nobody knows anything about it. How can that be? Let’s start with what we do know about: We know about “government data”. Well, at least the government does. It is where information technology originated, for the census, for taxing and so forth. The government collects data about…