Upon2020 (archive)

  • Ebola: The Incompetence is Breathtaking

    I’m having a hard time digesting news about Ebola, particularly in the US. Just how incompetent can everybody be? There seems little to no training for nurses for how to stay safe. What? Here’s one article, I’ve seen many. Update Oct-16: The second infected nurse in Texas decided to fly around, not once, but twice,…

  • Cisco: “The Internet Needs More Control”

    @cisco: “The Internet must be subject to a higher amount of control, and big companies will work with governments to make that possible.” Those guys don’t understand that Cisco wouldn’t have a business if the internet had been “subject to a higher amount of control” by either governments or big companies. And that the more…

  • Choice words by Douglas Adams

    Douglas Adams: “In England, it is generally considered socially incorrect to know stuff or think about things.” In a footnote in The Salmon of Doubt. He was right, it’s just not limited to England.

  • What’s the opposite of the Web 2.0 architecture?

    Dave Winer was nice enough to respond to my question: So what do you call this architecture where your data is on your site, running the code you want, with your own terms with a full blog post titled My Architecture is called RSS.  I guess I should have seen this coming ;-) but I…

  • Sen. Wyden: Your data’s yours no matter on whose server it lives

    This is significant, and very welcome. US Sen. Wyden is quoted by the Washington Post as follows: “Some will still argue that by sharing data freely with Facebook, Google, Mint, Uber, Twitter, Fitbit or Instagram, Americans are choosing to make that data public. But that is simply not the case,” And he continues with one…