Upon2020 (archive)

  • Macrobuild — a new build/release framework for “macro” tasks

    See post on the Indie Box Project site.

  • Developers are good at tolerating frustrations

    Think of the life of the software developer. Nothing ever works. Because as soon as it works, the product is done, it gets shipped, and perhaps we get to play with it in all its glory for half a day. Then we are back to the next feature request, the next bug fix, the next…

  • Facebook’s veto over what friends get to tell us

    David Weinberger has a great op-ed on CNN.com titled “When is Facebook NOT messing with your head?” on the recent “psychological experiment” controversy. My feelings are exactly the same that he expresses: So, I’m upset about Facebook’s cavalier toying with our emotions, but I’m far more disturbed about what Facebook and other such sites do…

  • Raspberry PI Pool controller upgrade

    My Raspberry PI-based pool controller has been running our pool pumps faithfully for the past 18 months. Every morning, it switches the two pumps on (first one, then the other), and runs them for a few hours (switching them off in reverse sequence). It is really nice to sit out on the deck, go to…

  • Google, Mail and PGP — but what about the keys?

    Techcrunch reports that Google will release a plugin for the Chrome browser that makes PGP-based encryption much easier for webmail users, such as Gmail users. That’s cool! Mozilla, I hope you are right behind! But the article leaves out the most important question: who will have access to the keys? Chances are that Google will…