Tag: citrix

  • Interview with Citrix CTO Simon Crosby

    Worthwhile InformationWeek interview. Choice quotes: InformationWeek: Citrix CEO Mark Templeton described four power centers that seem to be emerging in the cloud: Amazon/Xen, VMware, Microsoft Azure, and OpenStack. Do you agree with that assessment, and would you modify it in any way? Crosby: I think it’s right. .. VMware’s opportunity is to displace Microsoft, BMC,…

  • VMware, CloudFoundry and Clayton Christensen

    At the OpenStack Design Summit yesterday, Gordon Mangione of Citrix stated in his keynote that VMware takes almost 80% of all virtualization revenue. Regardless of how accurate this number is, it is large, and so it should not be surprising that VMware wants to protect that revenue stream. But the market is rapidly moving up…