Tag: Cloud
VMWare, Identity and User-Centricity in the Enterprise
Lots of good commentary on VMWare’s new Horizon App Manager today, which is what their Tricipher acquisition seems to have turned into. The phrase that struck me the most — thus this post — was Krishnan‘s description at CloudAve: a user-centric management service for accessing cloud applications from any device. It clearly is user-centric: it…
There Is No Multi-Tenant Architecture: There Are Three!
I’ve heard the term “multi-tenancy” hurled at somebody as an attack about once too often now. Could we at least agree that there are several different kinds (I count three) of multi-tenancy, and they have different tradeoffs? 1. Application-level Multi-Tenancy Salesforge, Gmail, and most SaaS businesses come to mind: they run all of their customers…
Interview with Citrix CTO Simon Crosby
Worthwhile InformationWeek interview. Choice quotes: InformationWeek: Citrix CEO Mark Templeton described four power centers that seem to be emerging in the cloud: Amazon/Xen, VMware, Microsoft Azure, and OpenStack. Do you agree with that assessment, and would you modify it in any way? Crosby: I think it’s right. .. VMware’s opportunity is to displace Microsoft, BMC,…
Ubuntu, OpenStack, Eucalyptus: When Open-Source Competes with Open-Source
The Ubuntu project today announced: …that future versions of Ubuntu Cloud will use OpenStack as a foundation technology. Eucalyptus will continue to be a available for download and will be supported … but also: Ubuntu will provide tools to automate the migration process to the Ubuntu Server 11.10 release when it is released in October…
User-Centricity, App-Centricity and the Cloud
This post has been prompted by a tweet exchange today between myself and James Urquhart. He wrote: Basically, as compute moves from server to app centric model, networking moving from switch/router to connectivity-centric ops model. Let me first totally agree with what he says there: things like OpenStack allow us to move up one level…