Tag: thermostat

  • The 2nd Raspberry Pi in the House Now Controls a Closet Fan

    When I remodeled my home office last year, I put a (bathroom) fan into the ceiling of the server closet. This would allow the heat from the servers leave the house via the attic, without heating my office up too much in the summer. It gets quite a bit a sun and heat even without…

  • The consumer #IoT is mostly gimmicks today

    I’m a believer that good things can be made to happen with the Internet of Things, but we are still very, very far away from that, in spite of all the hype. Exhibit A: visiting the hardware store to buy a new thermostat for my house. (Mine gave up this week after maybe 25-30 years…

  • House thermostat died. Suggestions for replacements that don’t spy on me?

    There are a lot of projects — like the well-publicized “Build an Open-source Nest in a Day” — that have built open-source thermostats. But those are “projects”. Are there any #IndieIoT thermostat products ready to go that I can buy? Or do I have to build my own? I’m looking for suggestions. P.S.: I’m using…