Category: Comments

  • Doc on Freedom vs. Tracking

    As usual, he nails it: I am a customer. I am not data. I do not wish to yield personal data, even if anonymized, to anybody other than those with whom I have a fully consenting, non-coercive and respectful relationship. I do not wish to receive offers as a matter of course, even if machines […]

  • X.509 certs are less secure than you might think

    This post is prompted by T.Rob’s recent post “We’re gonna need a bigger crowd” where, among other things, he talks about X.509 certificate security. I agree with the core point of his post – crowd-sourcing is ineffective for highly specialized subjects – but this X.509 subject keeps coming up. It is one of the rare […]

  • Why AccountChooser Isn’t

    In time for #CIS2012, the OpenID Foundation and Google released a new version of, a set of open-source software components that, as the name indicates, lets you choose your account on the web. Except that it doesn’t. Compare with a bank. Let’s say I want to check my balance at my bank, the […]

  • Personal Clouds and Life Management Platforms

    Martin Kuppinger, of analyst firm Kuppinger Cole, has an interesting report out titled “Life Management Platforms: Control and Privacy for Personal Data“. In it, he brings together some major technology and social trends to predict an opportunity for individuals to manage their own data, in a privacy-protecting way, while improving interaction with major vendor organizations […]

  • AAPL now more valuable than entire US retail sector

    Incredible. But then, which of those two would you bet on? Link.