Tag: information card

  • Let’s Implement the Open Pile! It’ll Be Great!

    You are not on the bandwagon yet? You are so behind the times! Haven’t you heard that the web is now social, and user-centric, your customers are in charge, they create and remix and share and rate and activity stream and manage you, the vendor, and you still haven’t implemented the Open Pile! Ehm, I […]

  • Why We Really Don’t Need an “Identity Selector”

    As of this week’s Internet Identity Workshop, I’m now rather convinced that an “identity selector” is the wrong product and the wrong feature set, regardless of the exact details of a particular vendor’s implementation. Several discussions in several contexts, including how to best make a browser identity-aware, all point to the same conclusion, regardless if […]

  • OpenID and Government

    Today’s news about major identity initiatives in the US Federal Government is indeed great news. But it does make me think. Kick Willemse asked the key question on an OpenID mailing list: How about a dutch (international) OP fullfilling all criteria? What about one in Russia or China? Would the US government accept identities asserted […]