I’m at the Seattle GNU/Linux conference SeaGL again this year, mostly to present on Project Springtime tomorrow. (I proposed 4 talks, and that’s the one they accepted. Well, I take what I can get!) But there are interesting talks, and here are some notes.
- Mozilla has a Open Leadership Framework. Interesting, and worthwhile. There’s also a project canvas for open projects, modelled after the lean canvas. Will try and apply it with my fellow board members at the Me2B Alliance. (From a talk by Abigail Cabunoc Mayes.)
- Great stories about the perils of privacy violations, and what to do about it from Aeva Black.
- Rachel Kelly will stick in my memory for using the term “Googlectomy” for when you try to cut Google out of your life.
- …continue to be updated…
- Benjamin Mako Hill: “AirBnb’s success is predicated on taking Couchsurfing’s innovation and apply it from a commons to a market-based approach”. “Strategic openness” (e.g. Apple AppStore) coopting peer production with commercial purposes. “The most successful peer production commons nearly all pre-date the iPhone.” “The firms developing and deploying get freedom. The end-users do not.” “We cannot rely on large companies to help us with this fight.”
- Nishant Sharma: “Data is lucrative”. Minimal defense: block ads, trackers, ransomware, malware