Notes from SeaGL 2019
I’m at the Seattle GNU/Linux conference SeaGL again this year, mostly to present on Project Springtime tomorrow. (I proposed 4 talks, and that’s the one they accepted. Well, I take what I can get!) But there are interesting talks, and here are some notes. Mozilla has a Open Leadership Framework. Interesting, and worthwhile. There’s also…
MyData in Silicon Valley – notes on our first full-moon meetup
What does a typical meetup in Silicon Valley look like? Some meeting room of some tech company Pizza, beer and soda Lots of dudes either pitching their latest wild startup, quietly waiting for the speaker to start, or looking for a job Some speaker pitching their new thing and while it will be the greatest…
First MyData Silicon Valley event on Tuesday
We have been organizing a new regional hub in Silicon Valley for the MyData Global movement, and this coming Tuesday, July 16th, we will have our first public event in San Francisco. It’s open to the public and you are invited. Our goal is to create an ongoing in-person conversation about Ethics, Privacy and Personal…
Going to Open Source Bridge and Indie Web Summit in Portland next week
Two great events are coming up in Portland, OR, in about a week: Open Source Bridge, a grassroots-organized open source conference, June 20-23 Indie Web Summit, the annual get-together of the alpha geeks building a decentralized, user-owned social web. I’ll be flying up on the first flight Friday morning, spend the day at Open Source…
Ebola: The Incompetence is Breathtaking
I’m having a hard time digesting news about Ebola, particularly in the US. Just how incompetent can everybody be? There seems little to no training for nurses for how to stay safe. What? Here’s one article, I’ve seen many. Update Oct-16: The second infected nurse in Texas decided to fly around, not once, but twice,…