First MyData Silicon Valley event on Tuesday

We have been organizing a new regional hub in Silicon Valley for the MyData Global movement, and this coming Tuesday, July 16th, we will have our first public event in San Francisco. It’s open to the public and you are invited.

Our goal is to create an ongoing in-person conversation about Ethics, Privacy and Personal Data, in Silicon Valley, which arguably is the current world center for surveillance capitalism :-)

We’ll have great speakers, wine and chips, and plenty of time for person-to-person discussion. It’s our hope that we can engage those people in startups, companies large and small, and in the VC ecosystem, who think (or can be persuaded) that another world is possible, and establish an alternative narrative than what’s business as usual today in the valley. Maybe respecting the customer and their data becomes a new investment thesis!

So we need your help. If you can, please join us, and tell your like-minded friends. We’ll plan future events based on what we learn in this one, and your input and help would also be quite appreciated.

Details are on the MyData Silicon Valley website:

Registration at Eventbrite:

P.S. It’s a recurring event every full moon because – why not?

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