Author: Johannes Ernst
3D on PCs: Analyst Report
CNET reports: In a report on the Stereo 3D PC market, Jon Peddie Research argues that 1 million 3D PCs will ship in 2010 and surge to 75 million units by 2014. Simply put, 3D will become a standard feature in your PC in four years.
The Best and the Worst of Times: Whence Internet Identity?
The 10th Internet Identity Workshop this week had record attendance. Since that first one, five years ago, amazing adoption has happened: pretty much all major technology companies have implemented, more than a billion identities in the market, tens of thousands of sites accept them, more people show up to IIW — it must be the…
Let’s Implement the Open Pile! It’ll Be Great!
You are not on the bandwagon yet? You are so behind the times! Haven’t you heard that the web is now social, and user-centric, your customers are in charge, they create and remix and share and rate and activity stream and manage you, the vendor, and you still haven’t implemented the Open Pile! Ehm, I…
Clouds, Datacenters, Virtualization and the Disruption of the Server Market
Almost everybody was raising their eyebrows a few years ago when Amazon announced that it was opening up its data center infrastructure to others. Since, it has grown by leaps and bounds and supposedly contains more than 40,000 servers available for rent at this time (each of which hosts more than one virtual server). Many…
Waiting for Facebook’s Other Shoe To Drop: Advertising
Apparently, 1 billion Facebook “Like” buttons went up all over the web within the week. Technically, this means, 1 billion web pages now include a piece of JavaScript from Facebook. That piece of Javascript is aware of the user’s identity (and preferences, and social network, …). This enables Facebook to push out 1 billion advertisements…