Author: Johannes Ernst
The Ever-Growing List of PaaS Companies and Paas Projects
I’m trying to keep track of platform-as-a-service companies, products and projects. Here’s my current list: Company/Project Hosted? Open source? Technologies supported Status ActiveState Stackato N ? Perl, Python extensions to CloudFoundry private beta Amazon Beanstalk Y – Java production AppHarbor Y – .Net production Apprenda SaaSGrid – – .NET production Cast – Y multi alpha…
“HTTPS Now” Campaign Unfortunately Does Not Fix the Problem
EFF activist Eva Galperin in quoted in a ReadWriteWeb article introducing their new campaign: “HTTPS provides the minimum level of security for websites. Without it, no site can make any meaningful security or privacy guarantees to its users.” Well, wouldn’t that be nice! Particularly if HTTPS actually were providing that security. For a counter-point, read…
Consolidating blogs (Hi visitors!)
Pardon the dust, I’m attempting to merge several blogs of mine here at visitors, relax, you are in the right place. ;-) Going forward, will be my canonical blog, and other blog URLs will (hopefully) redirect to here. If not, please let me know!
What Is Wrong With Nuclear Power Plants
I lived through the Chernobyl disaster back in 1986, as a teenager, in Germany. I recall watching the radioactive cloud coming closer and closer on TV, wondering whether it was ever going to be safe to go outside again. That was before I became an engineer, but I remember pondering even then whether it was…
The Death Of User-Centric Identity — for now
Around 2005/2006, there were about four major lines of thought on user-centric identity with a few variations. We can quibble about the exact numbers and times, but in broad strokes — which is what this post is all about — that seems about right. The Kim Cameron / Microsoft / CardSpace / Identity meta-system line…