Author: Johannes Ernst
My updated shell prompt
Updated and fixed 04/13: I had been missing escapes, so command scrollback would get screwed for long lines. Phil Windley asked, so here you are: this is the code in my .bashrc that causes my shell prompt to have different colors dependending on whether the previous command succeeded or failed. It also shows Git branch…
How to be Evil and Do Just Fine in the 21st Century
Being professionally evil used to be easier. In Al Capone’s time, you could hide your evil deeds in places without snitches and live public life as a respected American patriot. Found a traitor who would give it away? Just threaten and maybe kill them. And if law enforcement got to too close to your secrets,…
Automated Testing for the Indie Web?
(This post is mostly for Indie Web geeks. Feel free to ignore) The problem We spend too much time debugging why things didn’t work as expected Not so much Gen 1 people running their own, custom-developed software, but later-gen people who try to, say, make WordPress work with a previously unseen combination of plugins and…
A 3D-Printable Box for the ESPRESSObin plus a Hard Disk (now with disk pictures)
Updated 2017-12-21: Now with added pictures about placing a disk into the box as well. The ESPRESSObin is a quite nice ARM board that comes with a SATA port. So it should be ideal for using it as a little home server. Except, because it is a development board, they don’t provide an enclosure that…