Author: Johannes Ernst
My slides from the second Personal Cloud community gathering
… are here. The Personal Clouds wiki has a summary of the event here. Thanks, Drummond!
First personal clouds meeting tonight!
Thanks, Adrian and Kaliya and Adam, and everybody who has been helping to organize tonight’s very first Personal Clouds community gathering in San Francisco. There’s been so much interest that we have a waiting list! It’s clear the time has come for cloud computing to become more personal. When I read a story like this…
There’s room for lots of Raspberry Pi alternatives
My Pool Timer is working fine in the back yard. It’s really cool to drive it from a web browser, and track when it’s running graphically. The Raspberry Pi is working fine. But, the Raspberry Pi is really not the answer for this kind of project. In fact, I’m not entirely sure what project the…
My Raspberry Pi Pool Timer Project — Bill of Materials
(Previously I discussed the the why of this project, the parts I selected to build with, setting up the Raspberry Pi itself, the electronic assembly, the mechanical assembly in the backyard, and the Rasptimer software I wrote for it.) Here’s the project bill of materials, not counting things like that I replaced or improved “while…
My Raspberry Pi Pool Timer — Software: Rasptimer
(Previously I discussed the the why of this project, the parts I selected to build with, setting up the Raspberry Pi itself, the electronic assembly, and the mechanical assembly in the backyard. Now we need real software to run.) So far, I’ve switched the pumps on and off with the way of least resistance:…