Category: Big Picture
What’s wrong with capitalism: patio umbrella edition
The patio umbrella’s pulling cord snapped. Just replace it, how hard can that be? Turns out it can be very hard, in fact impossible. Why? The umbrella is put together in a way that I cannot access the place inside the hollow pole where the cord is tied around the bolt connected to the crank…
Think we can limit Global Warming to 1.5ºC? Look at this graph
Time to make other plans. Credit: Reddit user drivenbydata, link to original post.
Doing some things a bit differently in 2019
Not a New Year’s resolution, but I’ve decided to do a few things differently in 2019: 1. Opposing people spouting B—S—. I’m looking around, and there are entire swathes of population who cannot distinguish any more what is true and what is not. Or how to find out what is true and what is not.…
Hedging the future by funding alternatives with some of our dollars
Peter Hoddie wrote a long piece in response to my recent Indie IoT post. I’ll have more to say, for now I just want to pick up one fascinating thought that Peter writes about (and attributes to Cory Doctorow): He encouraged us to “hedge,” not to completely stop purchasing products that disrespect our rights, but…
My recent post about Global Warming is all wrong
When did you last admit you were wrong, totally and utterly wrong? In my case, that would be right now. Here is the retraction. A a few weeks ago I sat down to try and figure out how Global Warming will affect me personally and my family. I wrote it down in this post. It…