Category: Big Picture

  • A Human Right To Connect On The Internet: Wow

    Sounds like the Obama government is picking up the cause of what Nick and I called the Digital Deal. Amazing! This is powerful stuff, coming not from some fringe group but from the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Here are quotes from her speech today: Franklin Roosevelt … delivered his Four Freedoms speech in…

  • Stupidity, Cleverness and Predictions

    According to the 10-yr anniversary edition of the Cluetrain Manifesto: There’s a lesson in there: it’s easier to predict stupidity than cleverness. Sort of makes you think when trying to write this blog …

  • Man or Mouse? Google’s China Move a Major Challenge to Yahoo, Microsoft et al

    It is fashionable for corporations to declare their firm intentions to make the world a better place. If only one’s competitors wouldn’t embark on bad practices, then one would not have to copy them, or so the disclaimer usually goes. Google’s threatened move out of China disrupts this excuse. You can bet that there are…

  • Another Decade, Time for One More Blog

    What’s the next decade going to be like in technology? I found myself pondering this a lot recently. It seems we are in for very revolutionary changes … like the becoming irrelevance of the PC. Or the move to NoSQL. Or all web apps being connected to each other, with RSS/Atom and OpenID being the…

  • Technology’s Future Is Deeply Inertwingled

    There was a time when we could talk about the future of, say, Radio, or of PBX systems. Some people, blissfully left in a different century, still do. But we really can’t any more. As Ted Nelson said: Intertwingularity is not generally acknowledged—people keep pretending they can make things hierarchical, categorizable and sequential when they…