Category: Cloud
OpenStack: The House Elves Of Your Datacenter
One of my goals attending the OpenStack Design Summit in Santa Clara this week was to figure out just what exactly OpenStack is and what it wants to become. Listening to so many talks and discussions, I now understand it: OpenStack is the house elves of your data center, and a set of magic incantations…
VMware, CloudFoundry and Clayton Christensen
At the OpenStack Design Summit yesterday, Gordon Mangione of Citrix stated in his keynote that VMware takes almost 80% of all virtualization revenue. Regardless of how accurate this number is, it is large, and so it should not be surprising that VMware wants to protect that revenue stream. But the market is rapidly moving up…
Why the EC2 Outage Might Have Killed Amazon’s Shot at PaaS Dominance
Today is Monday morning after the biggest cloud outage ever, and one thing is certain: CEOs in so many board rooms around the world are heatedly demanding from their CTOs that something like this never happen to their businesses again. CTO: “but we did plan for fast recovery into a different availability zone. Who knew…
The Ever-Growing List of PaaS Companies and Paas Projects
I’m trying to keep track of platform-as-a-service companies, products and projects. Here’s my current list: Company/Project Hosted? Open source? Technologies supported Status ActiveState Stackato N ? Perl, Python extensions to CloudFoundry private beta Amazon Beanstalk Y – Java production AppHarbor Y – .Net production Apprenda SaaSGrid – – .NET production Cast – Y multi alpha…
The Future Data Center is Virtual
I was surprised by this chart from VMWare. No doubt that by 2020, it’s no contest: the virtual server world will dwarf the physical server world.