Category: Future
“World After Capital” Summary
When a Venture Capitalist writes a book “World after Capital“, it might be worth paying attention. If he happens to be a partner at Union Square Ventures in New York, you know it’s going to be good. Here are my notes about his draft book which is available for under a Creative Commons License in…
Overlord vs Indie #IoT — my notes for the internet of things panel at C2SV today
These are the notes I took for myself in preparation of the panel. Of course, the panel discussion went in a different direction, but why not post my notes anyway? I’m told there will be a video of the actual event, and I’ll post that when I get the link. So, here are the notes:…
Tech Titans’ Next Targets: Telcos and Cars
Apple has over $200 billion in revenue, growing 25% a year. Where are the next $50 or $100 billion going to come from? Mobile phones: no, that market is close to saturation. Desktops and laptops? Stagnant. Watch? Certainly not. All of them have room to grow, but not by 10’s of billions of dollars every…
Migratio Mentium
In the old days, peoples would migrate, creating all sorts of upheaval in the process, including the demise of the Roman Empire. There’s a similar migration going on right now. It has already destroyed entire industries, and keeps rattling the Roman Empires of today. But it is not a Migratio Gentium — a migration of…